Wednesday, January 21, 2009


You all know my sweet loveable niece Kaylie. Well I found out last weekend that her Mom was moving her to Tennesse at the beginning of the month. This saddens me very much and I am on the verge of tears everytime I think about it. I am used to seeing my niece almost every weekend. I see her more than her father does and more than her Mother's parents do. I can't possibly imagine what it will be like when I can't see her whenever I want. They are moving 6 hours away in Tennessee. Brittany (Kaylie's mom) got evicted from their apartment because she was unable to pay the rent. She is a server and does not make a lot of money to be able to support herself and her daughter. She had a new apartment lined up that cost less, but she still needs several hundred dollars to be able to move into. Instead of trying to get the money she has decided to move in with her Aunt in Tennessee. I have been praying so much for this situation to change and for somehow Brittany and Kaylie to not have to move away.


Sarah S said...

Oh no! I will be praying about this situation! Kaylie is such a little sweetie

Unknown said...

Awww..I'm sorry. I'll be praying.

Trish Begley said...

I can't tell you how sad we are. She is such a treasure and incredible little girl. We hope that she and her mother will be safe and happy. And that they attend church in TN.

Diana Smith said...

I will miss my lil Kaylie!! I will be hoping and praying that they will be able to find a place here to stay!