Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Decorating Cakes

Those of you that don't know me very well do not know that my biggest hobby is decorating cakes. Some day I would love to open my own bakery. The pictures that I have posted with this blog are pictures of cakes that I have made in the past. I have been doing it just for fun, and really haven't made any money off of it but it gets very expensive. I like to do creative cakes that look like something and not boring flowers. With some of my birthday money I recently purchased an airbrush kit to airbrush colors and designs on cakes. I haven't taken it for a spin yet, but hopefully soon. Please leave me comments.


Many people have asked me if I have given up on blogging but it just seems like there are never enough hours in the day to even sit and have 5 minutes for myself let alone have time to type up a blog.
As far as my health I am doing pretty good now. I ended up going back to the hospital after the last blog I wrote and the Doctor changed my medicine and I started feeling better. I have an appointment on the 13th with a Cardiologists to have an EKG done to make sure that all of the inflammation and fluid build up around my heart is gone. I have been trying to take it easy per the doctor's orders.
I know that is not much of an update but that is all I have time for at the moment. I promise to write more later.