Friday, September 26, 2008

Are thieves that don't take anything really thieves? YES!

Okay so it has been a very strange week so far. On Wednesday I was getting in my car leaving work, when I realized there were strange dents above my door seal like something had tried to break into my car. I was freaked out and showed the marks to some guy that I work with and he confirmed my suspisions that someone had tried to break into my car. It was obvious that they did not actually get into my car because nothing was missing. I determined that this did not happen at work, because I always leave my doors unlocked at work because there are so many people around that it would be impossible for someone to successfully steal anything. It had to have happened the night before at my apartment complex. That freaks me out because I live in a nice area in Milford and you wouldnt think that too much crime goes on there. I went home and there was a couple of packages that I had been waiting on outside of my apartment door. Someone had opened one of the packages to take a peak. Nothing was stolen, but the point is that they messed with my mail and invaded my privacy. The funny thing is that this is the 3rd time in the year that we have lived there that someone has opened a package that I received and left it there without taking anything. I guess they are seeing if it is good enough to steal, and when they decide it is not they leave it at my door. How nice of the thieves, right? I get a long with all of the neighbors that I talk to so I'm not sure who could be doing this. I talked to my apartment manager and she told me to file a police report. The police officer came to my apartment to make the report. He said that someone definitely tried to get into my car. I joked that they obviously were not professionals since they put 6 little dents above the driver door and 1 on the passenger side. I also talked to him about someone opening my packages, and told him to resolve that that I would tell the Post Office not to deliver packages that I would pick any packages up at the post office. Our neighbor Bob who lives 2 floors above us and happens to work at the post office was outside at the time the cop was there and he told me that he would have them give any packages of ours to him and he would bring them to us when he came home from work. That was very nice of him. Oh and Bob has a really nice car and he said that someone tried to take his wheels before and he now has wheel locks on them. Apparently thieves target my apartment complex to steal cars because the parking lot is dimly lit.
So to answer the question in my blog title....Are thieves that don't take anything really thieves? The answer is definitely yes. Whoever they are invaded my privacy and made me not feel secure in the place that should feel like home. I don't want to move because of these issues, because things like this could happen anywhere. I also had one question that I cannot figure out the answer to. What would they want with my old car that had nothing of value in it? Someone told me that they were probably trying to steal the car and were looking for one without an alarm. If that was the case it is not like the car is worth much.
Oh and I was telling my boss Lyn about someone trying to break into my car and that the car is not worth much, and she told me to put a sign on it that reads...."Attention car thieves....the keys are in the ignition for you this time."


Anonymous said...

Oh my! I am sorry this has happened!

Sarah S said...

ok that is weird b/c 1 package that I had gotten in the mail was opened this week too. different post office though

Missy M said...

hmmmm maybe its the postal workers...or just a strange coincidence. I need some sort of tracking device and I will ship something really cool with a tracking device in it to myself and then catch the theif...but that would cost money that I don't have....LOL.