Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It has been a strange few days....

The past few days have definitely been strange. On Sunday when me and Trish were on our way to Church I got pulled over my a Cop. I'm freaking out because by the time I pulled the car to the side of the road I couldn't remember if I was going over the speed limit at all. I didn't think that I was but being pulled over definitely puts doubt into ones head. The Cop got out and was looking at the back of the passenger side of the car, meanwhile I am fumbling trying to find my insurance card and driver's license. I was even more freaked out that the Cop was looking at my car. The Cop came to my window, and the first thing I said was, "What's wrong?" The Cop said, "Sorry, wrong car" and I preceded the to tell the Cop that he about gave me a heart attack. I assume that they were looking for a car that matched my car's description but maybe with damage on the passenger side.
After church on Sunday me and Trish went to the grocery store. (Thank God that we only got a few things to last us for the week) We about got blown away by the wind going into Kroger's. When we got home the wind was even worse. One of our neighbors told us that she heard a loud crack coming from the wooded area, and I could see the trees swaying in the wind so I didn't park close to the swaying trees. We get inside our apartment with the groceries only to find out that we have no power. At that point I had no idea about the damage that these strong winds had caused. We opened a window on 1 side of the apartment and then 1 on the other, but the wind was blowing things around in our apartment so we had to close 1 of the windows. Our psycho cat stood up in the window until a huge gust of wind came by and then she would run for cover. She was scared to death. It is crazy how much we come to rely on power and technology. Since there was nothing else to do I actually took a nap, and managed to get over an hour of sleep with the Cat running over me everytime a huge gust of windows came by the window. I kept waking up too because I was sure that the tree was going to fall, and I even saw it snap. (it still has not fallen though)
Me and Trish still went to Small group at Dan and Sarah's house. Trish was supposed to bring pop, but we arrived with only Mountain Dew because she already had that and all of the stores were closed so we couldnt get anything else. There was enough light coming through the window, but Dan needed a candle to be able to read his bible. We all enjoyed cake for Dave's birthday.
I heard from a friend that over 600,000 people are without power and that it will be 3-5 days before it came back on. Me and Trish drove around looking for food after Small Group. We managed to find a Larosa's with power, but the wait was over an hour. They were out of sausage, and fountain Coke, but the food we ate was still delicious. On the way home we looked for an open gas station to get ice so that we could salvage some of the food in the fridge. The gas station that we found said that they have only had power for an hour and they were already almost out of ice. We bought 2 bags, and there were only 2 bags left after that. We came back home to still no power of course.
At this point I heard that 90% of Duke Energy's customers were without power. I woke up to still get ready for work, because I was not sure if they had power. I live in an apartment, but thankfully we have our own water heater and there was enough hot water for me and Trish to both get a shower. Trish came back home while I was getting ready for work because her work didn't have any power so she didn't have to work yesterday. But when I got into work they had power so I had to work all day.
When I got home from work on Monday I had power. I was so thankful, because I know that there is still over 500,000 people without power. They are saying on the news that gas stations are selling out of gas, ice, and batteries.
I talked to my friend Melissa in Sharonville Monday night who was still without power. She heard from someone that there is somewhere on the internet that you can go to find out when Duke's estimates that power will be on in certain areas. How do they expect people with no power to look that information up? I tried to find it for her but could not find it.
I am so thankful that I have power, and I hope and pray that everyone else's is restored real soon.

1 comment:

Trish said...

We're alive!!! Thank God for Lights!! LOL (Psst...go check out my blog)