Friday, October 17, 2008


Many of you may have read an earlier blog post of mine about someone attempting to break into my car in my apartment parking lot. Well this morning I went over to the dining room chair to pick up my Laptop bag with my Laptop in it as I do every morning when I am heading out the door for work. I starting freaking out because my laptop was not in the chair...the same place that I leave it every single night, so where could I have put it? This is my work Laptop, not mine and has all of my work stuff on it so I am freaking out. Then a thought crosses my mind that I must have left it in my car last night...and that makes me freak out even more because my first thought is that the theives would for sure find a way to get into my car when they see a Laptop bag in plain view. I hurried out to my car and to my surprise my Laptop was safe and sound in my car and no one had broken into my car to take it. I sure am thankful that it wasn't stolen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! I would have been freaking too!